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Proposed Amendments to 2022 Accreditation Standards

The Planning Accreditation Board (PAB) proposes amendments to the 2022 Accreditation Standards and Criteria. Draft 1 of the proposed amendments to the PAB Standards and Criteria was shared publicly for a 30-day comment period from June 14 through July 14, 2024. Comments received will be posted soon.

Reason For Amending the Standards

Recent Supreme Court decisions[1] and the proliferation of State anti-DEI legislation prompted PAB to engage legal counsel in reviewing the 2022 Accreditation Standards. The current DEI language in the 2022 standards has created uncertainty for program administrators and Site Visit Teams, such that the interpretation of the 2022 standards may run counter to PAB’s expectations. PAB standards respect institutional autonomy as they relate to admission practices and DEI efforts “consistent with applicable law and institutional policy;” however, PAB also recognizes the need for flexibility and clarification with regards to assessment of DEI related standards.

Accredited university planning programs educate and prepare students for a globally connected world and advance the practice of planning through a greater understanding of complex systems, practices and policies that may lead to inequities. PAB will continue to expect accredited programs to demonstrate a commitment to DEI, however, those strategies and efforts may vary by institution. While the current political climate, in some places, may present challenging circumstances, PAB encourages programs to engage in new or innovative strategies to address the ideas and intentions embedded in DEI concepts within their programs and the curriculum.

In this light, PAB revised the following to clarify and align with its expectations: Criterion 1A. Strategic Plan: Standard 2. Students; Criterion 2B. Student Diversity; Standard 3. Faculty; Criterion 3B. Faculty Diversity; Criterion 3G. Professional Development; Standard 4. Curriculum and Instruction; Criterion 4A. Guiding Values; Criterion 4B1a. General Planning Knowledge in Global Context / Planning History and Theory; Criterion 5E. Promotion and Tenure.

Other Revisions include:

  • In Preconditions to Accreditation, the residency guideline was reinstated with minor modifications.
  • Change “department” to “unit” to better reflect the various governance structures.
  • Simplification of language in criteria 2C, 2D, 3A, and 4B1c.
  • Criterion 4D. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment was expanded to include additional detail for this criterion, specifically to clarify the definition of direct measures of student learning outcomes and how assessment results should be used to improve programs.

On June 25, 2024, PAB hosted a town hall to discuss the proposed amendment to the 2022 Accreditation Standards.

Access the recorded presentation here.

[1] Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. v. President and Fellows of Harvard College, no.-20-1199, and Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. University of North Carolina et. al, No. 21-707

First Comment Period

The first 30 day comment period was held June 14 – July 14, 2024. Thank you to all that participated in this important process.

PAB will review the comments below and make recommended revisions for a second draft which will be shared publicly once available. A second public comment period will be held in the fall.

Transparency Matters: Addressing Upcoming Changes to the 2022 Accreditation Standards

On February 9, 2024, PAB hosted a town hall to discuss the upcoming amendment to the 2022 Accreditation Standards, particularly regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). All interested stakeholders were encouraged to join and share any concerns and/or expectations. Access the recorded presentation here.

Accreditation Standards Amendment Timeline

The process and anticipated timeline for amending the standards, as specified in the operating procedures of PAB, is as follows:

  • June 10, 2024: Draft 1 of Amendment to Accreditation Standards approved by PAB
  • June 14 – July 14: First 30-day public comment period; all comments posted to PAB website
  • Fall 2024: Draft 2 of Amendment released to APA/AICP, ACSP and the public
  • Fall 2024: Second 30-day comment period, including advisory recommendations from AICP Commission/APA Board and ACSP Governing Board
  • Winter 2024: PAB releases final Accreditation Standards