University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Contact Info
Zhenghong Tang, Program Director
402.472.9281; Dept phone: 402.472.9212
Public Information
Accreditation Actions
Accreditation through December 31, 2025
Last Accreditation Cycle: Fall 2017
Next Accreditation Cycle: 2024 – 2025
Progress Report: Not Applicable
Summary of Recent Actions
April 2018: Program granted 7-year accreditation based on PAB’s findings of compliance or substantial compliance with all domains of the Accreditation Standards. No serious deficiencies.
PAB accreditation indicates that the Program has undergone an external review and substantially meets the PAB standards and criteria. Programs granted accreditation demonstrated conformity with PAB Standards after a thorough review from the Board. PAB bases its decisions on the overall quality of the program, its performance relative to its mission and strategic plan, and its performance relative to PAB’s 7 standards, which encompass a total of 35 criteria and 17 curriculum sub-criteria. When PAB determines that a Program does not fully meet a criterion or curriculum sub-criterion, the Program is encouraged to take steps to improve in that area and provide information to PAB on its efforts, either during the next accreditation review or in an interim progress report.
This information is a summary only. Please consult the school directly for in-depth information regarding programs, course offerings, and compliance with PAB standards. Programs should also be consulted directly for additional information on issues and areas of improvement identified during an accreditation review, and the actions that the school is taking to address these areas.